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2019 is an exciting journey so far, we released the local washable pads made from Cotton and PUL fabrics, menstrual cups and pouches.

Struggling with the new path, the universe shows us a door to open, we got to connect with Madam Chnai


So we get to sew more washable pads in order to cope with the demand. We also continue our favorite activities of all time is to facilitate menstruation class and sewing washable pads workshop.

May - December

The person that started with us and we can't forget her, Bang Kimsrong, our past first sewing lady.

Need Sewing

Prototype the washable pads and pouches


We are FRIDA's Grantee!


​Young women Training/sewing. 

With Hong Kong Students in May and June (menstruation class and Sewing Workshop) Short menstruation classroom Community dialogue.

- Menstruation classroom with AusCamproject in Phnom Penh.

For two years we contributed and sold 1850 washable pads and 18 menstrual cups to 400 in both countries which mean we save around 1200 kilograms of plastic wastes/96000 disposable sanitary pads per year.


We provided menstruation education with our partners to 200 people, conducted 4 Green Living workshops for 100 people and create an online group with more than 1500 members in Vietnam.


We talked with 130 women through public events and partnership workshops, 4 educator trainings to 49 people and 3 menstruation classes to around 140 girls in Cambodia.

Eco@Femme supported us so much at the time in order to help us grow in anyways that work in Cambodia.



We win the Seeds for the Future grant!!! 

Half of the world is women, most of them in Southeast Asia still believe period is secret and dirty instead of natural and life creation. Woman needs to positively see menstruation as a path to connect with her true self. 


We want women and girls to claim her natural power, to be the healthy narcissist, to see things positively, to question the authorities and creates impacts to free herself and others from stigmas, norms and taboos that make no sense. 



Gaia Ashram where the seed awakened and get introduce to washable pads and menstrual cup, other products than Plastic Sanitary pads that thought of the only choice in South East Asia. 

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With Young Eco Ambassador, when Green Lady is just a seed.

Where we learn to love the earth and living together as community.

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